Our congratulations go out to all of the winners of this years election cycle
Here are the official 2016 ARBA Election results.
District 8: Moll-435 votes , Behee-252 votes, Colucci-241 votes, Jones-233 votes
District 6: Westhoff-350 votes, Kratochuil-62 votes
District 5: Vogts-260 votes, Gillispie-165 votes
District 1: Deloyla-246 votes , Wickizer-221 votes
Vice President: Shumaker- 2,559 votes, Hardin- 2,113 votes
The new ARBA Officers and Directors take office September 15.
President-Josh Humphries , Vice President -Randy Shumaker
Executive Director-Eric Stewart
Treasurer-David Freeman
D1 Arlyse DeLoyola D2-Joe Lugo D3-Theresa Christian
D4-Don Mersiovsky D5-Vic Vogts D6-Rusty Westhoff
D7-Carl Richetelle D8-David Moll D9-Ruth-Ann Bell